Array ( [id] => 40712 [deleted] => 0 [active] => 1 [bankruptcy] => 0 [synced] => 1 [parent_id] => 0 [province_id] => 8 [city_id] => 790 [industry_id] => 543 [time_inserted] => 1444058991 [time_updated] => 1512524223 [time_updated_open_companies] => 1444450141 [street] => Abraham Kuyperstraat [street_slug] => abraham-kuyperstraat [house_numb] => 47 [house_numb_add] => [postcode] => 6702BK [company_name] => AfroAsia Tropical Food and Beauty Cosmetics [company_slug] => afroasia-tropical-food-and-beauty-cosmetics [tradename_main] => AfroAsia Tropical Food and Beauty Cosmetics [tradename_statutory] => [establishment_type] => hoofdvestiging [establishment_type_sub] => [establishment_date] => 2015-09-16 [establishment_numb] => 32985150 [establishment_legal] => eenmanszaak [kvk_file_numb] => 64131890 [kvk_file_numb_sub] => 0 [kvk_snippet] => 64131890 0000 000032985150 AfroAsia Tropical Food and Beauty Cosmetics. AfroAsia Tropical Food and Beauty Cosmetics. ... [rsin_numb] => 0 [btw_numb] => [phone_numb] => 0 [website] => [email] => [latitude] => 51.9636683611502 [longitude] => 5.6516833529568 [place_name] => Wageningen [place_slug] => wageningen [province_name] => Gelderland [province_slug] => gelderland ) AfroAsia Tropical Food and Beauty Cosmetics registratie Nummer, adresgegevens en meer - AfroAsia Tropical Food and Beauty Cosmetics in Wageningen geregistreerd
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AfroAsia Tropical Food and Beauty Cosmetics in Wageningen - Registratie nummer 64131890

Bedrijfsinformatie AfroAsia Tropical Food and Beauty Cosmetics in Wageningen, registratienummer, adresgegevens en contactgegevens

Bedrijfsinformatie AfroAsia Tropical Food and Beauty Cosmetics - Wageningen

AfroAsia Tropical Food and Beauty Cosmetics is geregisteerd onder vestigingsnummer 32985150. Het registratie nummer van AfroAsia Tropical Food and Beauty Cosmetics is 64131890.

registratie Nummer 64131890
Vestigingsnummer 32985150
Type hoofdvestiging
Status Uitgeschreven

Adres AfroAsia Tropical Food and Beauty Cosmetics

AfroAsia Tropical Food and Beauty Cosmetics is gevestigd in Abraham Kuyperstraat 47 in Wageningen.

Adres Abraham Kuyperstraat 47
Postcode 6702BK
plaats Wageningen

Extra informatie over AfroAsia Tropical Food and Beauty Cosmetics

64131890 0000 000032985150 AfroAsia Tropical Food and Beauty Cosmetics. AfroAsia Tropical Food and Beauty Cosmetics. ...

Bedrijven in dezelfde straat als AfroAsia Tropical Food and Beauty Cosmetics

Bedrijfsnaam Registratie Nummer Vestigingsnummer
Ruben van Bart administraties 64033511 32895224
Inner Vision 50122088 56553

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