Array ( [id] => 582922 [deleted] => 0 [active] => 1 [time_inserted] => 1510872171 [time_updated] => 1596474554 [parent_id] => 0 [category_primary_id] => 22 [category_primary_sub_id] => 0 [category_secondary_id] => 0 [category_secondary_sub_id] => 0 [industry_id] => 634 [company_name] => F.I.R.M. and more B.V. [company_slug] => firm-and-more-bv [company_name_rev] => .V.B erom dna .M.R.I.F [company_image] => [establishment_date] => 2009-06-15 [establishment_legal] => besloten vennootschap [btw_numb] => [rsin_numb] => 820888412 [employees_numb] => 1 [phone_numb] => 0246419782 [website] => [email] => [description] => [street] => Heilige Stoel [street_slug] => heilige-stoel [house_numb] => 6835 [house_numb_add] => [postcode] => 6601SV [postcode_numb] => 6601 [postcode_char] => SV [place_id] => 67 [province_id] => 8 [latitude] => 51.81389006 [longitude] => 5.70991448 [kvk_time_updated] => 1525341486 [kvk_active] => 1 [kvk_file_numb] => 9200142 [kvk_file_numb_sub] => 0 [kvk_tradename] => F.I.R.M. and more B.V. [kvk_tradename_extra] => [{"titel":"Bestaande handelsnamen","tekst":"F.I.R.M. and more B.V."},{"titel":"Statutaire naam","tekst":"F.I.R.M. and more B.V."}] [kvk_establishment_numb] => 3740870 [kvk_establishment_type] => Hoofdvestiging [kvk_street] => Heilige Stoel [kvk_street_slug] => heilige-stoel [kvk_house_numb] => 6835 [kvk_house_numb_add] => [kvk_postcode] => 6601SV [kvk_postcode_numb] => 6601 [kvk_postcode_char] => SV [kvk_place_id] => 67 [kvk_province_id] => 8 [oc_industry_id] => 634 [oc_btw_numb] => [oc_rsin_numb] => 820888412 [oc_employees_numb] => 1 [oc_phone_numb] => 0246419782 [oc_website] => [oc_email] => [oc_establishment_legal] => besloten vennootschap [public_profile] => 1 [public_btw_numb] => 1 [public_rsin_numb] => 1 [public_address] => 1 [public_phone_numb] => 1 [public_email] => 1 [public_website] => 1 [public_branch] => 1 [place_name] => Wijchen [place_slug] => wijchen [province_name] => Gelderland [province_slug] => gelderland ) F.I.R.M. and more B.V. registratie Nummer, adresgegevens en meer - F.I.R.M. and more B.V. in Wijchen geregistreerd
  • nl

F.I.R.M. and more B.V. in Wijchen - Registratie nummer 9200142

Bedrijfsinformatie F.I.R.M. and more B.V. in Wijchen, registratienummer, adresgegevens en contactgegevens

Bedrijfsinformatie F.I.R.M. and more B.V. - Wijchen

F.I.R.M. and more B.V. is geregisteerd onder vestigingsnummer . Het registratie nummer van F.I.R.M. and more B.V. is 9200142.

registratie Nummer 9200142
Status Uitgeschreven

Adres F.I.R.M. and more B.V.

F.I.R.M. and more B.V. is gevestigd in Heilige Stoel 6835 in Wijchen.

Adres Heilige Stoel 6835
Postcode 6601SV
plaats Wijchen

Extra informatie over F.I.R.M. and more B.V.

Bedrijven in dezelfde straat als F.I.R.M. and more B.V.

Bedrijfsnaam Registratie Nummer Vestigingsnummer
Jari Totaalafbouw B.V. 09113818 14974517
CRP Consulting B.V. 24478861 20450176
P.J. Maats B.V. 10042549 8956278
Maats Large Systems Project Partner B.V. 10145115 0
EL OPTIEPLAN B.V. 10146217 0
Acca Nijmegen 10142705 15617130
Improfin Diagnose en Advies B.V. 16087043 19991339
Gerco Kouwenberg Interim & Advies 65818490 34499717
Improfin Opleiding en Training B.V. 16087044 16641817
Improfin Groep 16087042 19354193

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